Me Time Midlife Podcast

Sex in Midlife - Guest Expert Dr Sonia Wright

Episode Summary

From the "pleasure gap," to loss of libido, and everything in between, join Kim as she interviews Midlife Sex Coach, Dr Sonia Wright, about what women need to know to enjoy sex in midlife.

Episode Notes

Dr. Sonia Wright is a board-certified radiologist, a sexual counselor and a life coach. She received her education from Stanford University, the University of California San Francisco School of Medicine, the Mayo Clinic and the University of Michigan. She is on a mission to help women embrace their sexuality as well as end the emotional pain and isolation associated with sexual difficulties. She believes wholeheartedly that all women deserve to experience pleasurable sexual intimacy.

Dr. Wright has a natural ability to put people at ease while discussing sensitive issues related to sex. She enjoys combining this natural ability with her medical knowledge, sexual counseling skills and life coaching tools to create her unique brand of sex coaching. She tackles the hard issues by normalizing the situation and sharing helpful information, while coaching from a caring and humorous perspective.

Connect with Sonia on her website, Instagram and Facebook.

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